Monthly Newsletter


Important Dates:

December 24-26 – Closed

December 31 - Closed

December 13 – Raffle Draw!

December 14 - Christmas Party! 1-5                          


Please send spare clothes every day! We love to have fun and sometimes that means getting messy and wet.

Please ensure you are checking your child’s cubby regularly and take home and dirty clothes. Please send your child with appropriate outdoor gear! We are unable to accept children into program who do not come prepared for outside time.

Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes!

Our drop off time ends at 9:30. If you have not let us know your child will be late, arriving after 9:30 will not be accepted.

If your child is learning to use the potty, please send SEVERAL pairs of bottoms for them. Accidents happen and we are happy to support them on their potty learning journey, but if they run out of clothes they will need to either have some dropped off or child picked up.

Please ensure you are stopping and waiting for the School bus when it is at our location picking up and dropping off children. we will not tolerate parents being in a rush and potentially injuring one of our children


We are hosting a Christmas Party for families here at the centre! On December 14th from 1-5 drop in to decorate cookies, watch a magic show and meet Santa!

We are still raffling off a set of 4 Kingston Frontenac Tickets on January 19th, raffle tickets are $5, that will enter you to win all 4 tickets! Draw will take place December 13th!

Infant: Nykki, Alissa & Kelsey

In the month of November we made a wreath with our hand prints for Remembrance Day. We also stated on some Christmas crafts and can’t wait to continue these in the month of December!

We also welcomed Peyton to our class! In the month of December, we have lots of fun Christmas crafts and activities planned for the babies! Happy Birthday to Alissa (10th)!

Toddler 1: Cassie, Bailee & Shania

In November we began making playdough as a class once a week! Each week has been a different colour and scent to explore! We have been working hard on our communication and have begun adding some sign language into our daily routine! In the month of December we have lots of Christmas and winter themed crafts, activities and sensory bins planned! We are looking forward to outdoor play in the snow!

Happy Birthday to Estella (6th), Draven (16th) and Rowan (17th)!

Toddler 2: Cassandra & Kaelly

In the month of November, we talked about the colder weather as a class, naturally this led us to talking about proper outdoor clothing, we practiced getting ourselves ready for outside and getting out outdoor gear off when we come inside! Our friends have been doing a great job at this! We have also been loving exploring numbers, letters and colours! In December we are going to continue practicing getting our outdoor gear on and off! We also have lots of Christmas activities, crafts and sensory play planned for this month!

Preschool: Kenzie, Morgan & Delaney

We welcomed Morgan into preschool as the third teacher! In November we did some Remembrance Day crafts. We also got really good at singing our ABC’s! The preschoolers have also been loving musical instruments at circle time and have been doing a great job sharing them! We are very excited for Christmas and we have lots of crafts planned for the kiddos to take home! We will be talking lots about the snow and family time for the holidays!

Happy Birthday to Bryanna (11th), Millie (13th), Nik (18th)

School Readiness: Nicole, Peter and Sarah D.

In November we talked about the weather changing and worked on preparing the kiddos for winter! In December we are going to be decorating our classroom! We also have lots of fun crafts, games and activities planned for the kiddos!

School Age: Sarah D., Julie & Aly

We are so excited for the Christmas break coming up! We have lots of fun crafts and activities planned for the school-agers! We are super excited for our Ski Trip, but we are still looking for kiddos to attend! We need 30 participants to be able to go and so far we are at 15! Please let us know if you would like your child to attend! We are also looking for parent volunteers! Please let us know if you would be interested!